BUGS is a nonprofit that teaches youth and adults the fundamentals of gardening through science, nutrition, and environmental-based lesson plans.
Our Roots
Wendy Young and Amy Hutchinson grew up in a community where everyone grew their own food. As a junior high school teacher, Amy recognized that experiences outside of the classroom always made a positive impact on her students. Through planting gardens, taking nature walks and collecting sagebrush seed in the Boise foothills, Amy planted a passion in her students for nature and healthy living. Wendy and Amy wanted that same passion for generations to come, which is why they started the Boise Urban Garden School.
Our Garden
Boise Urban Garden School teaches youth and adults the fundamentals of gardening through science, nutrition, and environmental based lesson plans and activities. We utilize a ¾ acre garden as the foundation for learning. We are located at Comba Park in Boise, 2995 N. Five Mile Rd. In addition to the garden, we have a kitchen on site in the big red barn where we host culinary camps and classes.
Our indoor space can facilitate groups of up to 40 individuals. During the school year, the BUGS education team is focused on facilitating on-site field trips, outreach lessons, and evening programs. Summer offers week-long garden and culinary camps as well as outreach and field trips.
BUGS is open Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Closed Holidays)
Our Team
Megan Heryet
Executive Director
Pohley Richey
Education Program Coordinator
Laura Kohtz
Urban Agriculture Specialist
Our Board
Justin Buckley
Aries Bergstrom
Stormi Niemann
Craig Dammeier
Courtnie Dawson
Lindsey Laverty